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  IMAGINE GETTING UP WITH A WORLD OF SIMILAR FACES! We've all done a double-take when mistaking a random person on the street for someone we know or know of, like the celebrity look-alikes Jessica Chastain and Bryce Dallas Howard. Imagine it's a beautiful day you wake up. Unlike other days it's very quiet and you decide to take a walk outside. You find people around, busy with their work. But then you suddenly notice; they all look the same. With identical skin and hair colour, when you look closer, even their faces are similar. You realise that you jumped into a world filled with identical humans. Let's imagine how it would be to sojourn in a world like it! It's just like a factory produces humans in the same way dolls are manufactured. Small difference dolls are been packaged, unlike humans. Isn't it alluring that these identical creatures would come into the world ordinarily, but they won't be given a name, rather would be analyzed through numbers?  As in...

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